Wednesday, 30 November 2011

What is Central Nervous System

Every human body consists of the central nervous system. The central nervous system is made up of the spinal cord as well as the brain. In medical language, the processing centre of the whole nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. It is responsible for controlling the body working.
The peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system are the two parts which constitute the nervous system.

Central nervous system functions:

• One of the basic functions of the central nervous system is sending the signals from one part of the body to the other or from one cell to the other cells. There are multiple ways of sending such signals.

• The central nervous system also controls the human body. This is done by extracting information from the environment which is present around. For the same purpose, the use of sensory receptors is made. These sensory receptors send signals which encode the information properly to the central nervous system.

Central nervous system treatment:

For the purpose of central nervous system diagnosis, there are various treatment options available. It central nervous system treatment option depends on the type of the tumor in the central nervous system. It is mentioned below.

Medulloblastoma- If the tumor type is medulloblastoma, the treatment measures are radiation therapy, chemotherapy

Brain stem glioma- A radiation therapy that is followed with chemotherapy (optional) is the treatment option for brain stem glioma

Ependymoma- to diagnose the ependymoma, a surgery followed by a radiation therapy as well as chemotherapy is necessary  

Astrocytoma- For the treatment of astrocytoma, usually a surgery is undergone by the patient which is followed by a radiation therapy or chemotherapy
The central nervous system is one of the important parts of the human body. It is equally important for every individual to take good care of his central nervous system. In order to prevent problems in the central nervous system, it is necessary for people to know what the central nervous system is.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Classes of Antibiotics

Antibiotics are famous, thanks to their widespread usage, yet one must ask questions about antibiotics, their efficacy and safety. They are administered routinely in case of injuries, trauma and diseases. So what are antibiotics? Antibiotics are a class of medicines designed to fight or destroy microbial infections. Antibiotics were once synonymous with antibacterial action. Now their usage also extends to their antiviral, antifungal and anti-parasitic action.

If you had suffered from a recent sports injury or fever, chances are you were told to apply a topical antibiotic or given antibiotic pills. Antibiotics aren’t new science. Antibacterial medicine has being around for over 2000 years when mold, plant extracts and minerals were used to treat common diseases. Penicillin was one of the first modern day drugs to be used effectively against diseases.

Classes of antibiotics: 

Antibiotics can be classified by their biochemical structure, the way they act, their functionality and use. Antibiotics are classified as thus:

• Penicillins, cephalosporins, polymixins destroy the bacterial cell wall and the cell membrane interfere

• Quinolones and sulfonamides destroy bacterial enzymes

• Macrolides, tetracyclines  and aminoglycosides change the protein synthesis  of bacteria

Applications of antibiotics:  

Antibiotics are commonly used to treat infections of gram positive or negative bacteria. The applications of antibiotics are huge and routinely used to treat most diseases. These applications include:

• Cholera, tuberculosis, plague, whooping cough and typhoid fever

• Bacterial pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory infections

• Tetanus, anthrax infections, enteritis, common cold and fever and colitis

• Diphtheria, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, arthritis, trachoma, congenital syphilis, gonorrhea and wide variety of sexually transmitted diseases

• Common infections during injuries, accidents  and trauma

Besides use of antibiotics in antibacterial applications, new classes of antibiotics are also useful to treat fungal, parasitic and viral infections. They are used to treat dandruff, scalp, head, legs and urinary infections, ringworm, tapeworm, sleeping sickness and vaginitis. Antibiotics are used to modulate the immune response of the body in critical immunity related diseases. Prophylactic antibiotics are used preemptively in people who are susceptible to infections such as AIDs patients.

Antibiotics can be administered as tablets, capsules, syrups, ointments, lotions, creams, drops such as eye drops, injections or given intravenously using tubes.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

How to reduce Chest Problems

Questions about chest problems can be answered best by looking into the diseases and their causes. Nowadays chest cure is possible for all major problems related to the chest.

Chest diseases often occur due to the following reasons:

1. Chest injuries incurred during accidents
2. Chest defects such as those found from birth
3. Lung diseases and infections ranging from common cough or cold to pneumonia and tuberculosis and even chest cancer
4. Chest conditions such as flail chest, atelectasis, pleurisy, etc
5. Problems related to digestive system
6. Chest problems and pain related to the heart and respiratory system
7. To diagnose chest problem use Chest CT Scan.

Most of the medical questions about chest are related to reducing occurrence of chest diseases, medical illnesses, cure and treatment of these diseases. Chest diseases can be prevented by the following steps

1. Increase your breathing capacity by working out daily. Make it a point to walk daily
2. Breathing exercises, swimming, aerobics can strengthen the chest
3. Don’t eat heavy meals. Instead spread your food intake over small servings throughout the day
4. Quit smoking, it destroys the chest and lungs
5. Wear a mask while working with hazardous materials or while commuting in polluted cities
6. Chest is prone to respiratory and contagious diseases, hence, you must  be careful when dealing with people with such diseases. Use handkerchief or mask.

Although chest cures are possible for many chest ailments you must remember that any damage to the chest is difficult to repair. Do go in for diagnosis if you observe symptoms such as breathing difficulty and chest pain.
Remember do not leave questions about chest pain and diseases unanswered. Answers to these questions can provide you the right chest cure at the right time and save you from major setbacks.

For more medical questions & answers Visit

Sunday, 20 November 2011

How to Survive Back Problems

We often ask how to survive back problems to ourselves when we face sudden back pains. Back problems are common irrespective of age, sex, and race. In fact back problems are a universal phenomenon. If you have been suffering from back pain chances are you may have a lot of questions about back problems. Back problems can vary from occasional pain to recurrent and seething back problems that require immediate medical attention.

Back problem causes: Back problems are commonly caused due to the following reasons,

• Sitting in one position for long time with or without lifting weights
• Turning, bending or twisting suddenly
• Experiencing accidents or sudden impact on falling during sports or other activities
• Disease like osteoporosis, rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica, Scheuermann's disease, Scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, spondylitis, etc
• Pregnancy in women and age related degeneration of bones in the back in men and women

In most cases back problems are chiefly related to bone damage. Bone damage can be structural damage due to fractures or sudden impacts occuring due to bone degeneration resulting from certain diseases, lots more medical questions,etc.

Back problem symptoms: Symptoms of back problems are,

1. Pain in lower, upper or middle back
2. Pain in the surrounding organs and joints such as the pelvis or hips
3. Seething pain or recurrent pain often related to injury and tissue damage surrounding the bones
4. Pain is often followed by inflammation, reddening or swelling
5. In some cases back pain often shows up with fever, nausea, feeling of tiredness and weakening

Back problem diagnosis: Back problems can be diagnosed using a variety of techniques such as

1. Physical examination such as touching or feeling pain spots
2. X-Ray examination
3. MRI(Magnetic resonance scan)
4. CT-Scan(Computed tomography scan)
5. Ultrasound and echo or Doppler tests

These tests decide the treatments for back problems.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Maintaining Muscles, Tendons and Ligaments Made Easy

Exercising is always good for health, however, in a required amount and for appropriate time and in an appropriate manner. However, when we talk about exercising or working out, we intend to burn the excess fats in the body and not the muscles mass.

Many people are worried about losing the bone density or muscle mass while working out and this article is definitely to help you with such factors while giving you tips to achieve it simply. Here is maintaining muscles, tendons and ligaments made easy for all of you who wish to burn the excessive fat in the body without suffering from muscle or organ weight loss.

While you are pursuing the work out plan, it is important that you seek medical expert advice to be sure that you are not losing weight that is essential. Prepare a progression chart to refer to your physician to clarify the same.

While losing weight, the muscles may become loose and degrade. Hence, the right type of exercises is vital to assure the burning of fats and sparing muscles from the degradation. However, not only are the muscles at risk of degradation while exercising but also the tendons and ligaments, bone cancer.

Tendons are flexible and soft tissues that act as connective tissues connecting the muscles to the bones, while ligaments are the connectors of bone to bones and are responsible to maintain stability and health of the bones.

Athletic injuries put the health of muscle mass, tendons and ligaments health at risk, medical questions. It is difficult to heal such injuries due to the lack of blood flow in the ligaments and tendons. Age factor also plays a significant role in maintaining the ability to keep the tendons and connective tissues healthy. As the age increases, the flexibility of the tissues hampers and the water contents drops in the body thereby making it difficult to maintain the elasticity of tendons and ligaments.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Breast Care Tips for Feeding Mothers

Tips for Feeding Mothers

Breast care for nursing or feeding mothers is important to maintain the health of the babies and also to make the feeding process pleasant for self as well as the baby. Follow following tips while you are nursing to care for your breasts:

• Take ample rest and include healthy diet. A healthy and nutrient-rich diet helps in keeping the milk production to the required levels.

• Follow a practice of frequent feeding and also optimum feeding making sure to completely emptying of breasts. This helps in maintaining the breast’s health.

• Regular massaging the breasts will help maintain breasts healthy and make sure while massaging start from the direction of the armpit and come to the direction of the nipple with soft hand. This will reduce breast soreness and keep them soft.

Tips for Non-Feeding Mothers

Sometimes, due uncertain reasons or due to prior planning, mothers may not be in a condition to breast feed the infant and in such situations, it becomes extremely difficult to take care of the breasts. Following are some of the tips that will help to answer a few questions about breasts and keep the breasts of non-feeding mothers in shape and health:

• To avoid the discomfort and tenderness, non-nursing mothers should avoid wearing a tight-fit bra. This helps in avoiding soreness of the breasts as well.

• Take prescribed medications to keep the breasts from producing milk and avoid milk leaking.

• Apply ice packs or cold compresses to relieve the discomfort or manage the swelling of the breasts.
All females across the world are careful about their body and especially their breasts. It is important that a woman seek best breast care for females to avoid breast related complications.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Tips for Skin Care

Skin Care

Skin plays a vital role in building person’s confidence. Every woman aspires for a younger looking and glowing skin, however, is not that simple to achieve.

To make sure skin remains and looks healthy, proper skin care is important. Also, for a proper skin care, it is very important that one knows his/her skin better as the ways to take care differ as per the type of your skin.

Skin has three layers namely epidermis, dermis and hypodermis; the outermost layer, the middle and innermost layers, respectively. The layers below the epidermis are responsible to produce and maintain oil and collagen levels of the skin to keep its glow, elasticity and provide it support. also get the medical questions with answers over skin cancer here.

Tips for Skin Care

Now to answer most of the skin medical questions, there are certain methods and simple tips that will help the skin rejuvenate and look healthy.

• Cleansing
The most important thing in skin care is skin cleansing. Know the skin type properly to use the appropriate skin cleansers.  For dry skin, alcohol-based cleansers are not good as they extract extra oil from the skin and make it more dry and sore.

Cleansing your skin (twice a day) is good; it should also be noted that too much of skin cleansing or washing may cause damage to the skin and also snatch the essential oils from it.

• Diet and Hydration

Eating appropriate food is the best care for skin. One should also drink a lot of water as it nourishes and hydrates the skin to make it look better.

Include eggs, asparagus and onions to get sulphur, while fresh fruits and vegetables are good source for vitamin A. Along with the above mentioned products, grains, nuts and seeds are good for skin.

• Exfoliation

This is very important part of skin care as it helps the skin in remaining healthy and young. Exfoliation helps the skin to get rid of the accumulated dead skin and restore the ‘fresh and rejuvenated’ skin. Some common ways for exfoliation are scrubs, chemical peels and microdermabrasions.